Blogger Friends
- Abby (my other lil sister)
- Alabaster Box
- Aspiring Homemaker (Mia)
- Becca'a Life Happenings
- Courtney Michelle
- Cross Eyed
- Dare to be different (Tori)
- Eagerly Learning
- JP's Blawg (my Dad)
- Julia's Journal
- Living Life 4 Jesus Christ
- M. Elyse Photography
- Maddie M. Photography
- Madison (my lil sister)
- Mia Halton
- Morgan Coy
- My Family
- My Grandparents
- Olivia Coy
- Patriot Basketball Site
- Patriots Basketball Blog
- Photography by Abigail
- Shough Family
- SillyYack ~ A Teens Life and View on Celiac
- The Ambrosettis
- The Coys
- The Girls
- The Grays
- The Kuznetsovs
- The Matthews
- VS Photography